Episode | Title | Summary |
157 |
The Butter Shave
Kramer starts using butter as an aftershave. George uses a cane when he applies for an interview at a sporting goods firm, where they think he is disabled. Jerry is annoyed that Kenny Bania is a "time slot hit." Elaine goes to Europe with David Puddy.
158 |
The Voice
George's employer learns that George is not actually handicapped. Jerry creates a voice in response to the sounds his girlfriend's stomach makes. Kramer hires a New York University intern to be his assistant. Elaine begins seeing Puddy again.
159 |
The Serenity Now
George's father is given a phrase to say whenever his blood pressure rises to a certain level. Elaine receives a french kiss from Mr. Lippman's 13 year old son. Jerry's girlfriend gives his New York Knicks tickets away. Kramer installs a screen door over his apartment door.
160 |
The Blood
Jerry receives three pints of Kramer's blood after having a run in with a knife. Elaine want to prove to her friend that she is not irresponsible. George concludes that television and food create a better sex life.
161 |
The Junk Mail
Kramer refuses to receive mail from the postal service. Jerry gets a new car from a childhood friend after doing a car show for his dealership. Elaine meets her dream man, despite getting back with Puddy, and tries to juggle both relationships. George's parents cut him loose.
162 |
The Merv Griffin Show
Kramer discovers an old television set from The Merv Griffin Show. Jerry's new girlfriend collects old toys but asks Jerry not to play with them. Elaine must deal with a "sidler" at work. George's girlfriend becomes disgusted when he accidentally runs over pigeons with his car.
163 |
The Slicer
Jerry tries to break up with a dermatologist [Marcia Cross] when she becomes tiresome after constantly talking about "saving lives". Kramer purchases a meat slicer which Elaine accidentally dings. George tries to blur himself out of a photo his new boss has.
164 |
The Betrayal
Elaine drags Jerry and George to India where they attend the wedding of Sue Ellen Mischke. Jerry's an ex-girlfriend, Nina, begins dating George. Kramer learns that a friend wishes he would drop dead. [All of the events in the episode occur backwards with the end at the beginning and vice versa].
165 |
The Apology
Jerry's girlfriend Melissa prefers to be naked while in the house. Elaine learns her co-worker hates germs coming from Elaine but can tolerate everyone else's. Kramer decides to make changes to his routine. George expects an apology from a friend who is in Alcoholics Anonymous.
166 |
The Strike
Kramer gets word that he can return to a bagel shop he worked at previously after a 12 year absence. Jerry, Elaine and George attend a Chanukah party where Jerry sets up a date with a woman and Elaine uses her "fake" number to avoid one. Kramer brings a renewed interest in Festivus, a holiday George's father invented when George was younger.
167 |
The Dealership
Jerry plans on buying a new car from Puddy who has been elevated to car salesman. He also hopes that Puddy and Elaine will get back together so he will get a better discount. Kramer and another salesman see how far they can test drive a car on an empty gas tank. A hungry George comes up with an idea to implicate a mechanic.
168 |
The Reverse Peephole
Kramer and Newman plan to reverse the peepholes on their doors which gets Newman an eviction notice. Jerry decides to go wallet-less. Elaine has trouble finding a coat that looks like Puddy's for another friend. George must pay for a party gift alone.
169 |
The Cartoon
Elaine obsesses over a cartoon in The New Yorker. Kramer decides to take a vow of silence. Elaine and Kramer believe that George's girlfriend looks a lot like Jerry. Jerry is at odds with Sally Weaver, Susan's former roommate.
170 |
The Strongbox
Jerry buys cufflinks that once belonged to Jerry Lewis. Kramer gets a strongbox. Elaine learns that she has a secret crush. George tries to break up with his girlfriend but she refuses.
171 |
The Wizard
Jerry gives his father an electric organizing system for his birthday. Jerry and George debate about the race of Elaine's new boyfriend which triggers her curiosity. Kramer plans on running for president of Morty and Helen's condo association. George lies to the Rosses about owning a house in the Hamptons.
172 |
The Burning
Elaine learns that Puddy is religious. Jerry does not recognize his girlfriend's voice on the phone when she leaves an "It's me" message. Kramer and Mickey act out sick conditions for medical students. George's ideas at a Kruger meeting are widely accepted, but his subsequent ideas are not as well received.
173 |
The Bookstore
Jerry spots Uncle Leo shoplifting. Elaine makes out with a co-worker at a party and lies to cover it up. Kramer and Newman acquire a rickshaw from Hong Kong and need someone to pull it. George takes a book into the bathroom at a bookstore and is forced to purchase it.
174 |
The Frogger
After a childhood pizzeria goes out of business, George tries to save his high score from a Frogger game by purchasing the machine. Kramer scares Jerry after telling him about a serial killer, "The Lopper." Elaine tires of company birthdays by calling in sick.
175 |
The Maid
Jerry hires a maid who he then starts sleeping with. Elaine discovers she has 57 messages on her answering machine when Kramer's food-order service tries to fax her. George tries to get a nickname but a co-worker gets the one he chose instead.
176 |
The Puerto Rican Day
The gang leaves a New York Mets game early in order to beat the traffic but are blocked by a Puerto Rican day parade. Each go their separate ways in order to get home.
177 |
The Clip Show, Part 1
Part one of a retrospective on the past 9 years of Seinfeld leading into the series finale.
178 |
The Clip Show, Part 2
Part two of the retrospective on the past 9 years of Seinfeld which lead into the series finale.
179 |
The Finale, Part 1
NBC executives decide to add Jerry and George's pilot, Jerry to the fall season. The two plan on leaving for Los Angeles and decide to vacation in Paris with Elaine and Kramer before they leave. The plans are cancelled however when their plane experiences turbulence and is forced to land for repairs. They are arrested for breaking a law in Latham County, Massachusetts.
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The Finale, Part 2
In addition to being convicted of disobeying the Good Samaritan law, Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer are also on trial for being poor influences. After hearing several testimonies from many returning characters, Judge Vandelay sentences the four of them to a year in prison.