PtInRect Function

Declare Function PtInRect Lib "user32.dll" (lpRect As RECT, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long

Platforms: Win 32s, Win 95/98, Win NT

PtInRect determines if a point lies inside or outside of a rectangle. Note that Windows considers the left and top edges of a rectangle to be inside it, and the right and bottom edges to be outside. The function returns 1 if the point is inside or 0 if it is outside.

The rectangle to look inside.
The x coordinate of the point to determine if it is inside or outside.
The y coordinate of the point to determine if it is inside or outside.


' Determine if the mouse cursor is inside or outside of window Form1.
' This is done by checking the point of the mouse cursor with the rectangle of the window.
Dim mousept As POINT_TYPE  ' receives mouse coordinate
Dim winrect As RECT  ' receives rectangle of Form1
Dim isinside As Long  ' receives 1 if inside or 0 if outside
Dim retval As Long  ' return value for other functions

retval = GetCursorPos(mousept)  ' determine the mouse cursor's position
retval = GetWindowRect(Form1.hWnd, winrect)  ' determine Form1's rectangle

' Check to see if the mouse cursor is located inside of the Form1 rectangle
isinside = PtInRect(winrect, mousept.x, mousept.y)
If isinside = 1 Then
  Debug.Print "The mouse cursor is currently inside of Form1."
  Debug.Print "The mouse cursor is currently outside of Form1."
End If

Category: Rectangles

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