Bias As Long
  StandardName(0 To 31) As Integer
  StandardDate As SYSTEMTIME
  StandardBias As Long
  DaylightName(0 To 31) As Integer
  DaylightDate As SYSTEMTIME
  DaylightBias As Long
End Type

TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION-type variables hold information about the system's selected time zone. The two arrays in the structure are actually strings, each element holding the ASCII codes for each character (the end of the string is marked by a NULL character, ASCII code 0). For more information about how to convert the arrays into usable data, see the example for GetTimeZoneInformation.

The difference in minutes between UTC (a.k.a. GMT) time and local time. It satisfies the formula UTC time = local time + Bias.
StandardName(0 To 31)
Holds the name of the time zone for standard time.
The relative date for when daylight savings time ends.
A number to add to Bias to form the true bias during standard time.
DaylightTime(0 To 31)
Holds the name of the time zone for daylight savings time.
The relative date for when daylight savings time begins.
A number to add to Bias to form the true bias during daylight savings time.

Used by: GetTimeZoneInformaton

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