Declare Function EnumJobs Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "EnumJobsA" (ByVal hPrinter As Long, ByVal FirstJob As Long, ByVal NoJobs As Long, ByVal Level As Long, pJob As Long, ByVal cbBuf As Long, pcbNeeded As Long, pcReturned As Long) As Long
EnumJobs enumerates all of the print jobs pending for a given printer. The function can retrieve either (relatively) brief or detailed information describing each job in the print queue for that printer. Note that, instead of placing the information directly into the corresponding structures, the function places the information into an array. The array's contents must then be transfered to one or more structures. In order to determine how much space is necessary to receive the information about each print job, first call the function with cbBuf set to 0. The function will set the variable passed as pcbNeeded to the size in bytes of the array necessary hold the information.
If an error occured, the function returns 0 (use GetLastError to get the error code). If successful, the function returns a non-zero value.
The data retrieved by the function cannot be directly copied into structure(s) using CopyMemory or some other method. Instead, each (desired) member of the structure must manually be copied from the array to the structure, using the corresponding array indices. Each structure's contents appear sequentially in the array, and one structure immediately follows another. See the example code for a demonstration on how this is done.
Additionally, strings are not stored directly. Instead, the data placed into the array contains pointers to strings whenever necessary. The string manipulation API functions lstrlen and lstrcpy are needed to copy the pointed-to string into the structure's string data member(s). Again, see the example for a clearer demonstration. However, to copy structures stored under the original structure, CopyMemory can be used. Of course, numeric data members can be copied directly from the array to the structure.
Finally, when determining the space needed for the array, both pJob and cbBuf must be set to 0. To set pJob to 0, the expression ByVal 0 must be used.
' This code is licensed according to the terms and conditions listed here.
' Display a little information about each print job in the
' queue for the default printer. Note how both EnumPrinters and
' EnumJobs first copy the data into the arrays before placing
' the information into the desired structure.
Dim pi1 As PRINTER_INFO_1 ' holds a little information about the printer
Dim hPrinter As Long ' handle to the default printer once it is opened
Dim arraybuf() As Long ' resizable array used as a buffer
Dim jobinfo As JOB_INFO_2 ' holds detailed info about a print job
Dim needed As Long ' receives space needed in the buffer array
Dim numitems As Long ' receives the number of items returned
Dim lendivfour As Long ' the size in Long-type units of the jobinfo structure
Dim c As Long ' counter variable
Dim retval As Long ' return value
' -- Get the name of the default printer. --
' Determine how much space is needed to get the printer information.
retval = EnumPrinters(PRINTER_ENUM_DEFAULT, "", 1, ByVal 0, 0, needed, numitems)
' Resize the array buffer to the needed size in bytes.
ReDim arraybuf(0 To needed / 4 - 1) ' remember each element is 4 bytes
' Retrieve the information about the default printer.
retval = EnumPrinters(PRINTER_ENUM_DEFAULT, "", 1, arraybuf(0), needed, needed, numitems)
' Copy the printer name into the structure. The rest is unnecessary.
pi1.pName = Space(lstrlen(arraybuf(2)))
retval = lstrcpy(pi1.pName, arraybuf(2))
' -- Obtain a handle to the default printer (using default configuration). --
retval = OpenPrinter(pi1.pName, hPrinter, ByVal CLng(0))
' -- Enumerate the default printer's print jobs currently queued. --
' Determine how much space is needed to get the print jobs' information.
retval = EnumJobs(hPrinter, 0, 100, 2, ByVal 0, 0, needed, numitems)
' Resize the array buffer to the needed size in bytes.
ReDim arraybuf(0 To needed / 4 - 1) ' remember each element is 4 bytes
' Retrieve the information about the print jobs.
retval = EnumJobs(hPrinter, 0, 100, 2, arraybuf(0), needed, needed, numitems)
' Display the number of print jobs currently in the queue.
If numitems > 0 Then
Debug.Print "There are"; numitems; "print jobs currently in the queue."
Debug.Print "No print jobs are currently in the queue."
End If
' For each print job, copy its data into the structure. Then display selected
' information from the structure. For brevity, this example copies only a
' few of the data members into the structure.
lendivfour = Len(jobinfo) / 4 ' this is the number of elements for each structure in the array
For c = 0 To numitems - 1 ' loop through each item
' Copy selected information into the structure: the job ID number, the
' name of the user who printed it, the total number of pages, and
' the time it was added into the queue.
jobinfo.JobID = arraybuf(lendivfour * c) ' the first element of the array chunk
jobinfo.pUserName = Space(lstrlen(arraybuf(lendivfour * c + 3))) ' fourth element
retval = lstrcpy(jobinfo.pUserName, arraybuf(lendivfour * c + 3))
jobinfo.TotalPages = arraybuf(lendivfour * c + 18) ' nineteenth element
CopyMemory jobinfo.Submitted, arraybuf(lendivfour * c + 20), Len(jobinfo.Submitted) ' twenty-first element
' Display the copied information.
Debug.Print "Job ID number:"; jobinfo.JobID
Debug.Print "Printed by user: "; jobinfo.pUserName
Debug.Print "Number of pages:"; jobinfo.TotalPages
Debug.Print "Placed in queue on: ";
' (display the date and time stored in jobinfo.Submitted)
Debug.Print jobinfo.Submitted.wMonth; "-"; jobinfo.Submitted.wDay; "-"; jobinfo.Submitted.wYear; " ";
Debug.Print jobinfo.Submitted.wHour; ":"; jobinfo.Submitted.wMinute; ":"; jobinfo.Submitted.wSecond; " GMT"
Next c
' Close the printer handle now that it is no longer needed.
retval = ClosePrinter(hPrinter)
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Last Modified: November 24, 1999
This page is copyright © 1999 Paul Kuliniewicz.
Copyright Information Revised October 29, 2000
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