dwFileAttributes As Long
ftCreationTime As FILETIME
ftLastAccessTime As FILETIME
ftLastWriteTime As FILETIME
dwVolumeSerialNumber As Long
nFileSizeHigh As Long
nFileSizeLow As Long
nNumberOfLinks As Long
nFileIndexHigh As Long
nFileIndexLow As Long
End Type
BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION-type variables hold various pieces of information about a file. This information includes the file's attributes; its creation, last-access, and last-modified times and dates; the serial number of the disk the file is on; the file's size; the number of links to the file in the file system; and the unique file identifier value. Notice how the file size and file index, both being 64-bit values, are split into high-order and low-order halves of 32 bits each. To get the value they represent, you can append the hexadecimal or binary values of the two halves together. You can also use the formula actualvalue = high_order * 2^32 + low_order to calculate it.
Used by: GetFileInformationByHandle
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