systypes System Table - SQL Server 2000

Contains one row for each system-supplied and each user-defined data type. This table is stored in each database.

These are the system-supplied data types and their ID numbers.

Column nameData typeDescription
namesysnameData type name.
xtypetinyintPhysical storage type.
statustinyintFor internal use only.
xusertypesmallintExtended user type.
lengthsmallintPhysical length of data type.
xprectinyintInternal precision, as used by server. (Not to be used in queries.)
xscaletinyintInternal scale, as used by server. (Not to be used in queries.)
tdefaultintID of stored procedure that contains integrity checks for this data type.
domainintID of stored procedure that contains integrity checks for this data type.
uidsmallintUser ID of data type creator.
reservedsmallintFor internal use only.
usertypesmallintUser type ID.
variablebitVariable-length data type is 1; otherwise, 0.
allownullsbitIndicates the default nullability for this data type. If nullability is specified with CREATE or ALTER TABLE, then that value overrides the default nullability for this data type.
typetinyintPhysical storage data type.
prec smallintLevel of precision for this data type.
scale tinyintScale for this data type (based on precision).