with vwforeignkeys as ( select distinct foreignKeyName = foreignKey.name ,onTableName = onTable.name ,onTableId = onTable.id ,againstTableName = againstTable.name ,againstTableId = againstTable.id ,enf = case when ObjectProperty(fk.constid,'CnstIsDisabled') <> 0 then '* NOCHECK *' else 'enforced' end ,del = case when ObjectProperty(fk.constid, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade') = 1 then 'cascade deletes' else '' end ,upd = case when ObjectProperty(fk.constid,'CnstIsUpdateCascade') = 1 then 'cascade updates' else '' end from sysforeignkeys fk inner join sysobjects foreignKey on foreignKey.id = fk.constid inner join sysobjects onTable on fk.fkeyid = onTable.id inner join sysobjects againstTable on fk.rkeyid = againstTable.id where 1=1 AND againstTable.TYPE = 'U' AND onTable.TYPE = 'U' and againstTable.id <> onTable.id and onTable.name not like 'z[_]DeadCode[_]%' and againstTable.name not like 'z[_]DeadCode[_]%' and fk.fkeyid <> fk.rkeyid ) , cteTable as ( -- Base Case: tables depending on no other select distinct tableName = name, tableId = id, onTableId = 0, lvl = 1, rootTableId = id, lineage = convert(varchar(1000),name) from sysobjects where 1=1 and type = 'U' and name not like 'dt[_]%' and name not like 'z[_]DeadCode[_]%' and id not in (select onTableId from vwforeignkeys) -- Recursive Step: tables depending on other tables union all select o.onTableName, o.onTableId, o.againstTableId, a.lvl+1, rootTableId = a.rootTableId, lineage = convert(varchar(1000), a.lineage + '\' + o.onTableName) from cteTable a -- a = againstTable inner join vwforeignkeys o -- o = onTable on o.againstTableId = a.tableId where 1=1 -- and type = 'U' -- and name not like 'dt[_]%' -- and name not like 'z[_]DeadCode[_]%' ) select -- tree = replicate('.',lvl) + convert(varchar(2),lvl), -- tableName, -- lineage tableName ,tableLevel = max(lvl) from cteTable group by tableName order by 2,1
with objects as ( -- Base Case select distinct Name = convert(sysname, p.name) ,Type = convert(sysname, p.type) ,Id = convert(int, p.id) ,ChildName = convert(sysname, '') ,ChildType = convert(sysname, '') ,ChildId = convert(int,0) ,Lvl = convert(int,1) ,Lineage = convert(varchar(8000),p.name) from sysobjects p where 1=1 and p.type not in ('S','IT','SQ', 'K', 'F', 'D') and p.id not in (select depid from sysdepends) and p.name not like 'dt[_]%' and p.name not like 'z[_]DeadCode%' -- Recursive Case union all select Name = convert(sysname, p.name) ,Type = convert(sysname, p.type) ,Id = convert(int, p.id) ,ChildName = convert(sysname, c.name) ,ChildType = convert(sysname, c.type) ,ChildId = convert(int, c.id) ,Lvl = convert(int, c.lvl+1) ,NamePath = convert(varchar(8000),p.name + '\' + c.Lineage) from sysobjects p inner join sysdepends d on p.id = d.depid inner join objects c on c.id = d.id where 1=1 and c.type not in ('S','IT','SQ', 'K', 'F', 'D') and c.name not like 'dt[_]%' and c.name not like 'z[_]DeadCode%' and p.name not like 'dt[_]%' and p.name not like 'z[_]DeadCode%' ) select distinct lvl,type,name, Lineage--,childname,childtype from objects where 1=1 and type not in ('U') order by lvl DESC, NAME
ALTER PROCEDURE usp_CopyObjects AS begin declare @lIndex int declare @lRows int declare @lRowsOld int -- Create Temp Table to Hold Results ---------------------- CREATE TABLE #tblResults ( lLevel int NOT NULL, sType char(2) NOT NULL, sName sysname NOT NULL ) -- Load All Objects using a Dummy Level ------------------- insert into #tblResults (lLevel, sType, sName) select distinct -1, type, name from sysobjects where not (name like 'dt[_]%') and not (type in ('S')) -- Update Level For Objects With No Dependencies ---------- update #tblResults set lLevel = 0 where sName not in ( select distinct p.name from sysobjects p inner join sysdepends d on p.id = d.id inner join sysobjects c on c.id = d.depid where not (c.type in ('S')) and not (p.type in ('S')) and not (p.name like 'dt[_]%') and not (c.name like 'dt[_]%') ) -- Determine Qty Rows With No Level Yet ------------------- set @lRowsOld = (select count(1) from #tblResults where lLevel = -1) set @lIndex = 1 -- Loop Till We're Done ----------------------------------- while 1=1 begin print 'Level = ' + convert(varchar(2),@lIndex) print 'RowsOld = ' + convert(varchar(3),@lRowsOld) /* select @lIndex as lngLevel, r.sName from #tblResults r inner join sysobjects p on p.name = r.sName inner join sysdepends d on p.id = d.id inner join sysobjects c on c.id = d.depid inner join #tblResults r2 on c.name = r2.sName where r.lLevel = @lIndex - 1 */ update #tblResults set lLevel = @lIndex where sName in ( select c.Name from sysobjects p inner join sysdepends d on p.id = d.id inner join sysobjects c on c.id = d.depid inner join #tblResults r on c.name = r.sName where r.lLevel = @lIndex - 1 ) -- Determine Qty Rows With No Level Yet --------------- set @lRows = (select count(1) from #tblResults where lLevel = -1) print 'Rows = ' + convert(varchar(3),@lRows) -- If No Rows Affected, Then We're Done --------------- if @lRows = @lRowsOld break else continue -- Prep for Next Loop Iteration ----------------------- set @lRowsOld = @lRows set @lIndex = @lIndex + 1 end -- while -- Return Records In Temp Table --------------------------- select lLevel, sType, sName from #tblResults where sType <> 'U' order by lLevel desc, sName end
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