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This search, performed through 3.59 MB (635 documents, 14094 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 6 results.

Moving a ScrewTurn Wiki — 33.3%

To move a ScrewTurn wiki from one server to another, execute the following procedure. In IIS, create a new either a new website or a new web application to host the wiki in. In the Properties dialog for the website, select the ASP.NET tab and specify an ASP.NET version of 2.0.50727 . Deploy ScrewTurn Wiki files. Deploy web.config [...]

Home Page — 30.0%

Welcome Welcome to the Jasinski Technical Wiki , which currently has 806 articles. URL: http://www.jasinskionline.com/TechnicalWiki/ Logged in as: {USERNAME} Attachments See page attachments for SQL Server Support Views, including DbLayout , FKeys , TableRowCounts , and CodeObjects . Index function toggleVisibility(srcId) { var src = document.getElementById(srcId); var tgtId = 'TGT_' + srcId.substring(4); var tgt = document.getElementById(tgtId); var img; if (tgt == null) alert('tgt is null:' + tgtId); else if (tgt.style [...]

Index — 26.7%

[...] .NET Framework Consuming Custom Controls in ASP.NET CustomValidator Class DataTypeValidator Class - ASP.NET DeveloperPanel Class - ASP.NET FileUploadExtender [...]

Foreign-Key Pages - SQL Server — 3.3%

Here is a list of all pages in the Jasinski Technical Wiki concerning foreign keys in SQL Server. Deleting [...]

Class Library Pages — 3.3%

Here is a list of all pages in the Jasinski Technical Wiki in the Class Library Pages collection. ASP.NET [...]

Outline Formatting Provider - Jasinski Software — 3.3%

[...] following is the format of the markup code for using the Outline Formatting Provider with the ScrewTurn Wiki. {outline| heading1-format | heading2-format [...]

ScrewTurn Wiki version Some of the icons created by FamFamFam. Except where noted, all contents Copyright © 1999-2024, Patrick Jasinski.