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sysalerts System Table - SQL Server 2000

Modified on Fri, May 01, 2009, 10:49 AM by Administrator Categorized as SQL Server System Tables
Contains one row for each alert. An alert is a message sent in response to an event. An alert can forward messages beyond the Microsoft® SQL Server™ environment, and an alert can be an e-mail or pager message. An alert also can generate a task.

Column nameData typeDescription
idintAlert ID.
namesysnameAlert name.
event_sourcenvarchar(100)Source of the event: SQL Server.
event_category_idintReserved for future use.
event_idintReserved for future use.
message_idintUser-defined message ID or reference to sysmessages message that triggers this alert.
severityintSeverity that triggers this alert.
enabledtinyintStatus of the alert: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled.
delay_between_responsesintWait period, in seconds, between notifications for this alert.
last_occurrence_dateintLast occurrence (date) of the alert.
last_occurrence_timeintLast occurrence (time of day) of the alert.
last_response_dateintLast notification (date) of the alert.
last_response_timeintLast notification (time of day) of the alert.
notification_messagenvarchar(512)Additional information sent with the alert.
include_event_descriptiontinyintBitmask representing whether the event description is sent by either or both: 1 = E-mail. 2 = Pager.
database_namesysnameDatabase in which this alert must occur to trigger this alert.
event_description_keywordnvarchar(100)Pattern the error must match in order for the alert to trigger.
occurrence_countintNumber of occurrences for this alert.
count_reset_dateintDay (date) count will be reset to 0.
count_reset_timeintTime of day count will be reset to 0.
job_iduniqueidentifierID of the task executed when this alert occurs.
has_notificationintNumber of operators who receive e-mail notification when alert occurs.

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