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Page History: Grant Execute Permission to Everyone - SQL Server

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Page Revision: Thu, May 28, 2015, 7:19 PM

When executed against the database of interest, the following T-SQL code will generate a set of SQL statements which, when executed against the same database, will grant execute permission to public on every function and stored procedure in the database..

SQL Server 2000

select distinct 
    sql = 'grant execute on [' + u.name + '].['  + o.name + '] to public'

    sysobjects o

    inner join sysusers u 
        on o.uid = u.uid

where 1=1
    and o.type in ('FN','P')
    and o.name not like 'dt_%'

order by 

SQL Server 2005

select distinct 
    sql = 'grant execute on [' + s.name + '].['  + o.name + '] to public' 

    sys.objects o

    inner join sys.schemas s 
        on o.schema_id = s.schema_id

where 1=1
    and o.type in ('FN','P')
    and o.name not like 'dt_%'

order by 1

Show Stored Procedures and Functions Not Granted Execute Rights

When executed against the database of interest, the following T-SQL code will generate a set of SQL statements which, when executed against the same database, will grant execute permission to a selected user on every function and stored procedure in the database that they're NOT ALREADY granted execute permission to..

declare @UserName nvarchar(128) = 'MyUser'

;with DbPermissions as (
         PermissionState = perm.state_desc
        ,PermissionName = perm.[permission_name]
        ,ObjectID = o.[object_id]
        ,PrincipalName = prin.name
        sys.database_permissions perm
        inner join sys.database_principals prin
            on perm.grantee_principal_id = prin.principal_id
        inner join sys.objects o
            on perm.major_id = o.object_id
     SchemaName = s.name
    ,ObjectName = o.name
    ,SqlCode = 'grant execute on [' + s.name + '].[' + o.name + '] to [' + @UserName + ']'
    sys.objects o
    inner join sys.schemas s
        on o.schema_id = s.schema_id
    left join DbPermissions p
        on o.object_id = p.ObjectID
        and p.PermissionState = 'GRANT'
        and p.PermissionName = 'EXECUTE'
        and p.PrincipalName = @UserName
where 1=1
    and o.type in ('FN', 'P')
    and p.ObjectID is null
order by

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