server_id | int | Server ID. |
server_name | nvarchar(30) | Server name. |
location | nvarchar(200) | Location of the specified target server. |
time_zone_adjustment | int | Time adjustment interval, in hours, from Greenwich mean time (GMT). |
enlist_date | datetime | Date and time that the specified target server was enlisted. |
last_poll_date | datetime | Date and time that the specified target server last polled the multiserver's sysdownloadlist system table for jobs to run. |
status | int | Status of the target server: 1 = normal; 2 = re-sync pending; 4 = suspected offline. |
local_time_at_last_poll | datetime | Date and time the target server was last polled for job operations. |
enlisted_by_nt_user | nvarchar(100) | Username of the person executing sp_msx_enlist on the target server. |
poll_internal | int | Number of seconds to elapse before the target server polls the master server for new download instructions. |