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This search, performed through 3.59 MB (635 documents, 14094 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Database Mirroring Setup - SQL Server — 22.5%

[...] this by running the following SQL on the principal server. select name, recovery_model_desc from master.sys.databases where name not in ( 'master' ,'model' ,'msdb' ,'ReportServer' ,'ReportServerTempDB' ,'tempdb' ) order by name 5. You must have Desktop access (e.g., be able to RDP into) each of the database servers. 6. The following procedure requires that each server has the folder C:\SQLMIRROR . Procedure Notes 1. Server Names should be the public DNS name: for example, ec2-100-100-100-100.compute-1.amazonaws.com [...]

Creating a Linked Server with an Alias - SQL Server — 14.2%

[...] varchar(max) select @Alias = 'MyAlias' ,@HostName = 'MyServerName\MyInstanceName' USE [master] EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = @Alias, @srvproduct=N'SQL_SERVER', @provider=N'SQLNCLI', @datasrc=@HostName EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=@Alias, @optname=N'collation compatible', @optvalue=N'false' EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=@Alias, @optname=N'data access', @optvalue=N'true' EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption [...]

Chapter 02: Using Master Pages, Themes, and Caching - MCTS Exam 70-515 — 8.3%

Lesson 1: Using Master Pages Master Page <%@ Master ... %> Content Page <%@ Page MasterPageFile="~/MyMasterPage.master" ... %> <!-- Option declaration needed if referencing public members of master page from content page [...]

Restoring an Encrypted Database - SQL Server — 5.0%

[...] extra steps you need to take when restoring an encrypted database. You MUST have the password for the master key in order to do this. Procedure After restoring your BAK file, run the following script against the encrypted database, using the password for your master key, OPEN [...]

Developer Primer - Sitecore — 4.2%

[...] Sitecore term for a web user control (ASCX file). Content is stored in one of three database: Core, Master, or Web. The actual database name is prefixed with the name of your Sitecore instance, plus "Sitecore_". Thus, if the name of your Sitecore instance (specified during installation) is "MySite", the three databases would be called MySiteSitecore_Core, MySiteSitecore_Master, and MySiteSitecore_Web. The connection strings to these databases is held in the ConnectionStrings.config file in the /App_Config folder off the website root. The [...]

Security Overview - Sitecore — 3.3%

[...] Users, roles, and membership are stored in the Core database. Item permissions are stored in the Master database. So if you change item permissions, you must publish the site (or affected items) before the new permissions will become effective on the live site. Built-In Roles Role "sitecore\Sitecore Client Users" allows user to log into the Sitecore admin interface. However, they have the bare minimum of features on the desktop. Role "sitecore\Sitecore Client Authoring" (which is a member of "sitecore\Sitecore Client Users") allows the user to open the Content [...]

Best Practices and Pitfalls to Avoid - Sitecore — 3.3%

[...] Items General Items should NEVER be created directly in the WEB database. This is because when the MASTER database is published to WEB, any item not in MASTER will be deleted, and these deleted items cannot be recovered. Public content should be queried from Sitecore.Context.Database User-specific content (e.g., orders) should be created in and queried [...]

Finding a Column on a Server - SQL Server — 3.3%

[...] necessarily have the same collation, and this helps avoid the associated collation-related error. use master select sql = case when name = (select min(name) from GenDev.master.dbo.sysdatabases) then '' else 'union ' end + 'select [Database] = ''' + name + ''', [Object] = o.name ' + 'collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, [Type] = o.type collate ' + 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, [Column] = c.name collate ' + 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS [...]

Creating a Database User - SQL Azure — 3.3%

[...] https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/azuresqlemea/2016/10/05/create-sql-login-and-sql-user-on-your-azure-sql-db/ Procedure 1. Connect to your SQL Azure instance as an administrator to the MASTER database (That is, within SSMS Object Explorer, right-click the MASTER database and choose "New Query") 2. Execute the following script in the MASTER database CREATE LOGIN MyUserName WITH PASSWORD=N'MyPassword' GO CREATE USER MyUserName FOR LOGIN MyUserName GO ALTER USER MyUserName WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA=[dbo] GO 3. Open a NEW QUERY against the application database 4. Execute the following [...]

Membership API in ASP.NET — 2.5%

[...] protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { HtmlForm mainForm = (HtmlForm)Master.FindControl("form1"); if (mainForm != null) { Control c = uxPasswordRecovery.FindControl("UserNameContainerID"); if (c != null) { Button defaultButton = (Button)c.FindControl("SubmitButton"); if (defaultButton != null) mainForm.DefaultButton = defaultButton.UniqueID; } } } } Top RequestNewAccount.aspx Create the RequestNewAccount.aspx page in the [...]

CLR Integration - SQL Server — 2.5%

[...] MyNewDatabaseOwner exists on the server and you are working in a database called MyDatabase . Option A use master alter database MyDatabase set trustworthy on grant external access assembly to [BUILTIN\Administrators] Option B use master alter database [MyDatabase] set trustworthy on use [MyDatabase] -- For this next line to work, a Server Login called -- 'MyNewDatabaseOwner' must exist. exec sp_changedbowner [...]

List of Database Files for an Instance - SQL Server — 2.5%

[...] databases. Code select DatabaseName = d.name ,FullFileName = f.physical_name from sys.master_files f inner join master.sys.databases d on d.database_id = f.database_id where [...]

Column Definitions for Stored Procedure Result Set — 1.7%

[...] name of your instance, then replace it in the following script with the correct string literal. EXEC master..sp_addlinkedserver @server = 'loopback', @srvproduct = '', @provider = 'SQLNCLI', @datasrc = @@SERVERNAME; EXEC master..sp_serveroption [...]

Database File Sizes - SQL Server — 1.7%

[...] DB_NAME(database_id) AS DatabaseName, Name AS Logical_Name, Physical_Name, (size*8)/1024 SizeMB FROM sys.master_files where Physical_name like '%.mdf' and DB_NAME(database_id) not in ('master','tempdb','model','msdb','ReportServer','ReportServerTempDB') [...]

Merging a Code-Behind File into Its APX File — 1.7%

[...] (separate files) ASPX Code <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" Inherits="Acme.Web.Reports.ReportBrowser" %> ASPX.CS Code namespace Acme.Web.Reports { public partial class ReportBrowser : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { . . . } } } After (single ASPX file) <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" [...]

Custom Editors - Sitecore — 1.7%

Overview This article walks through how to create a custom item editor in Sitecore. Procedure Master Database 1. Create a content item somewhere under /sitecore/Content in the usual way: with layout and sublayout, and specifying the Presentation Details. 2. Grant read access to the administrative users (e.g., sitecore\admin ) and roles that will need to use the content editor page 3. Publish the item, as well as its layouts and sublayouts. Core Database 4. Switch to the Core database 5. Within Content Editor, navigate to /sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Editors [...]

Deploying a Database - SQL Server — 1.7%

[...] the connection string in your configuration file(s). The following script will do this. USE [master] GO CREATE LOGIN [ MyUser ] WITH PASSWORD=N' MyPassword ', DEFAULT_DATABASE=[master], [...]

Finding an Object on a Server - SQL Server — 1.7%

[...] associated collation-related error. select sql = case when name = (select min(name) from GenDev.master.dbo.sysdatabases) then 'select ' else 'union select ' end + '[Database] = ''' + name + ''', [Object] = name collate ' + 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, [Type] = type collate ' + 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS from GenDev.[' + name + '].dbo.' + 'sysobjects where name collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = ' + '@name collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS' from [...]

Splitting Off a Folder Into Its Own Repo - Git — 1.7%

[...] https://docs.github.com/en/github/getting-started-with-github/splitting-a-subfolder-out-into-a-new-repository NOTE: This article did NOT give us the desired results! Only the "master" branch existed in the new repo After the above issue was resolved, back end code still existed on branches besides "master". [...]

Chapter 03: Handling Events and Managing State - MCTS Exam 70-515 — 1.7%

[...] after the logging of the request is completed. Page Life Cycle Events Event Usage PreInit Set Master Page Set page theme Create dynamically created controls on a page not having a master [...]

Site-Root-Relative References - ASP.NET — 1.7%

[...] %>Scripts/jquery.js"></script> Within External JavaScript Files Step 1 - Define a Global Variable Within the Master Page, include the following code. <script language="javascript"> var appRootUrl = "<%=Helper.ApplicationRootUrl %>" . . . </script> Step 2 - Reference the Global Variable In your external JavaScript file, you can now reference the global variable you created, as in the following example. Obviously, for this to work, all ASPX pages that reference this external JavaScript file have to reference the above Master [...]

List Databases In Use - SQL Server — 0.8%

[...] SQL Statement select name, state_desc from sys.databases where 1=1 and name not in ('master','msdb','tempdb','model') and state_desc [...]

Home Page — 0.8%

[...] Server SqlDatabase Base Class - SQL Server and .NET Framework Using MSBuild Community Tasks to create an installer DB2 Special Registers - DB2 [...]

Databases and Their Service Objectives - SQL Azure — 0.8%

Getting Run the following SQL against the MASTER database on a SQL Azure server. SELECT [...]

Changing a User's Password - SQL Server — 0.8%

This SQL script needs to be run on the MASTER database. alter login [my_user_name] [...]

ActionValidator Class - ASP.NET — 0.8%

[...] System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.Normal, null); return true; } Implementation Usage in an ASPX page or Master page. VB.NET {copytext|VbImplementation} [...]

Linked Server Setup from SQL Server to a Microsoft Access Database — 0.8%

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N' NameOfNewLinkedServer [...]

Index — 0.8%

[...] .NET Framework HOSTS File Location IAuditable Interface - .NET Framework Internet Explorer Quirks Journal Class and Logging - ASP.NET jQuery-UI Tab [...]

Drop Database with Active Connections - SQL Server — 0.8%

USE [master] EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_delete_database_backuphistory [...]

MVC Basics - ASP.NET MVC — 0.8%

[...] via the Model object. <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<Movies.Controllers.HelloWorldController+WelcomeViewModel>" [...]

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