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Overview Sample Implementation VB.NET C# Source Code Journal Table InsertJournalEntry Stored Procedure Journal Class VB.NET C# Error.aspx Application_Error Event Handler VB.NET C#
throw ex
Journal.Write(ex) : HttpContext.Current.Response.End()
Journal.Write(ex); HttpContext.Current.Response.End();
CREATE TABLE dbo.Journal( JournalId int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, LoggedAt datetime NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_Journal_LoggedAt DEFAULT (getutcdate()), Severity tinyint NOT NULL, Message varchar(1000) NOT NULL, Detail varchar(1000) NOT NULL, ModName varchar(300) NOT NULL, ProcName varchar(300) NOT NULL, LineNum int NOT NULL, RemoteIP varchar(15) NOT NULL, UserId uniqueidentifier NULL, FullUrl varchar(1000) NOT NULL, StackTrace varchar(max) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_Journal PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( JournalId ASC ) WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]
create procedure dbo.InsertJournalEntry ( @Severity tinyint ,@Message varchar(1000) ,@Detail varchar(1000) ,@StackTrace varchar(max) ,@ModName varchar(300) ,@ProcName varchar(300) ,@LineNum int ,@RemoteIP varchar(15) ,@UserId uniqueidentifier ,@FullUrl varchar(1000) ) as INSERT INTO dbo.Journal ( LoggedAt ,Severity ,Message ,Detail ,StackTrace ,ModName ,ProcName ,LineNum ,RemoteIP ,UserId ,FullUrl ) select LoggedAt = getutcdate() ,Severity = @Severity ,Message = @Message ,Detail = @Detail ,StackTrace = @StackTrace ,ModName = @ModName ,ProcName = @ProcName ,LineNum = @LineNum ,RemoteIP = @RemoteIP ,UserId = @UserId ,FullUrl = @FullUrl
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports System.Diagnostics Imports System.Reflection Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class Journal Inherits SqlDatabaseWeb Private _dbName As String = "RequestTracker" Public Shared Sub Write(ByVal exception As Exception, Optional ByVal detail As String = "", _ Optional ByVal userId As String = "") ' Ignore ThreadAbortExceptions because they're caused by Response.Redirect() and Response.End() If Not (TypeOf (exception) Is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) Then Dim msg As String = "" Try msg = "Couldn't initialize variables" Dim severity As Byte = 1 ' 1 = error Dim message As String = exception.Message Dim stackTrace As String = exception.StackTrace Dim lineNum As Integer = GetLineNumber(stackTrace) Dim modName As String = "" Dim procName As String = "" Dim request As HttpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request Dim remoteIp As String = request.UserHostAddress Dim fullUrl As String = request.RawUrl Dim sf As StackFrame = New StackFrame(1, True) If sf IsNot Nothing Then msg = "Couldn't get method base" Dim mb As MethodBase = sf.GetMethod() If mb IsNot Nothing And mb.DeclaringType IsNot Nothing Then msg = "Couldn't get modname" modName = mb.DeclaringType.FullName msg = "Couldn't get procname" procName = mb.Name If lineNum = 0 Then msg = "Couldn't get line number" lineNum = sf.GetFileLineNumber() End If End If End If msg = "Couldn't instantiate Journal" Dim log As Journal = New Journal() msg = "Couldn't insert journal entry" log.InsertJournalEntry(severity, message, detail, stackTrace, modName, procName, _ lineNum, remoteIp, userId, fullUrl) msg = "Couldn't redirect to Error.aspx" HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("Error.aspx", False) msg = "Couldn't end response" HttpContext.Current.Response.End() Catch ex As Exception Throw ex End Try End If End Sub Public Sub InsertJournalEntry(ByVal severity As Byte, ByVal message As String, ByVal detail _ As String, ByVal stackTrace As String, ByVal modName As String, ByVal procName As String, _ ByVal lineNum As Integer, ByVal remoteIp As String, ByVal userId As String, ByVal fullUrl As _ String) Dim conn As SqlConnection = Nothing Dim cmd As SqlCommand = Nothing Try conn = MyBase.OpenConnection(_dbName) cmd = MyBase.PrepCommand(conn, "dbo.InsertJournalEntry") cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Severity", severity) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Message", message) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Detail", detail) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("StackTrace", stackTrace) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("ModName", modName) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("ProcName", procName) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("LineNum", lineNum) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("RemoteIp", remoteIp) If userId.Length = 0 Then cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("UserId", DBNull.Value) Else cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("UserId", userId) End If cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("FullUrl", fullUrl) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() Catch ex As Exception Throw ex Finally MyBase.CleanUp(conn, cmd) End Try End Sub Private Shared Function GetLineNumber(ByVal stackTrace As String) As Integer Dim result As Integer = 0 Dim pos As Integer = stackTrace.LastIndexOf(" ") If pos > -1 Then Dim s As String = stackTrace.Substring(pos) If Not Integer.TryParse(s, result) Then result = 0 End If End If Return result End Function End Class
using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using LibSystem.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; public class Journal : SqlDatabaseWeb { private string _dbName = "SeinfeldDb"; public static void Write(Exception exception, string detail, string userId) { if (!((exception) is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)) { try { byte severity = 1; // 1 = error string message = exception.Message; string stackTrace = exception.StackTrace; int lineNum = GetLineNumber(stackTrace); string modName = ""; string procName = ""; HttpRequest request = HttpContext.Current.Request; string remoteIp = request.UserHostAddress; string fullUrl = request.RawUrl; StackFrame sf = new StackFrame(1, true); if (sf != null) { MethodBase mb = sf.GetMethod(); if (mb != null && mb.DeclaringType != null) { modName = mb.DeclaringType.FullName; procName = mb.Name; if (lineNum == 0) lineNum = sf.GetFileLineNumber(); } } Journal log = new Journal(); log.InsertJournalEntry(severity, message, detail, stackTrace, modName, procName, lineNum, remoteIp, userId, fullUrl); HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("~/Error.aspx"); HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } } public void InsertJournalEntry(byte severity, string message, string detail, string stackTrace, string modName, string procName, int lineNum, string remoteIp, string userId, string fullUrl) { SqlConnection conn = null; SqlCommand cmd = null; try { conn = base.OpenConnection(_dbName); cmd = base.PrepCommand(conn, "dbo.InsertJournalEntry"); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Severity", severity); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Message", message); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Detail", detail); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("StackTrace", stackTrace); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("ModName", modName); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("ProcName", procName); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("LineNum", lineNum); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("RemoteIp", remoteIp); if (userId.Length == 0) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("UserId", DBNull.Value); else cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("UserId", userId); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("FullUrl", fullUrl); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { base.CleanUp(ref conn, ref cmd); } } private static int GetLineNumber(string stackTrace) { int result = 0; int pos = stackTrace.LastIndexOf(' '); if (pos > -1) { string s = stackTrace.Substring(pos); if (!int.TryParse(s, out result)) result = 0; } return result; } }
<%@ Page Title="Error" %> <html> <body> <asp:Label runat="server" Font-Size="Medium" ForeColor="red" Font-Bold="true" Text="Error" /> <br /> <asp:Label runat="server">An error has occured. This error has been logged, and the webmaster has been notified. If you were saving data, your changes were most likely lost, and you will need to try again.</asp:Label> </body> </html>
Sub Application_Error(ByVal sender as Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) ' Code that runs when an unhandled error occurs Journal.Write(Server.GetLastError(), "", "") End Sub
void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Code that runs when an unhandled error occurs Journal.Write(Server.GetLastError(), "", ""); }
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