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Command Line Options for Various Applications

Modified on Fri, Feb 13, 2009, 8:29 AM by Administrator Categorized as Microsoft Office, Windows (OS, IE, IIS, and MSMQ)

Microsoft Outlook

precede the path with "Outlook:\\"Specify a path in Outlook
/folderHide the Outlook Bar
/profilesOpen the Choose Profiles dialog box regardless of the setting on the Options tab (Tools menu)
/profile "profile name"Use a specified profile
/select "path/folder name"Have the specified folder visible
/c ipm.noteCreate an e-mail message
/c ipm.postCreate a post
/c ipm.appointmentCreate an appointment
/c ipm.taskCreate a task
/c ipm.contactCreate a contact
/c ipm.activityCreate a journal entry
/c ipm.stickynoteCreate a note
/c message-classCreate an item of the specified custom message class
/a "path/file name"Create an item with the specified file as an attachment. If no item type is specified with the /c switch, ipm.note is used. Can only be used with an Outlook message class.

Microsoft Access

DATABASE Opens the specified database. Include a path if necessary. The default path is your My Documents folder.
/EXCL Opens the specified database for exclusive access. To open the database for shared access in a multiuser environment, omit this option.
/RO Opens the specified database for read-only access.
/USER Username Starts Microsoft Access using the specified user name.
/PWD Password Starts Microsoft Access using the specified password.
/PROFILE User-Profile Starts Microsoft Access using the options in the specified user profile instead of the standard Windows Registry settings created when you installed Microsoft Access. This replaces the /ini option used in previous versions of Microsoft Access to specify an initialization file. The Microsoft Office 97, Developer Edition, contains tools and information on creating user profiles.
/COMPACT Target-Database Compacts the database specified before the /compact option and then closes Microsoft Access. If you omit a target database name following the /compact option, the database is compacted to the original database name and folder. To compact to a different name, specify a target database. If you don't include a path in target database, the database is created in your My Documents folder by default.
/REPAIR Repairs the database specified before the /repair option and then closes Microsoft Access.
/CONVERT Target-Database Converts a database in an earlier version (1.x or 2.0) to a Microsoft Access 95 database with a new name and then closes Microsoft Access. Specify the source database before the /convert option.
/X Macro Starts Microsoft Access and runs the specified macro. Another way to run a macro when you open a database is to use an AutoExec macro.
/CMD Specifies that what follows on the command line is the value that will be returned by the Command function. This option must be the last option on the command line. You can use a semicolon (;) as an alternative to /cmd.
/NOSTARTUP Starts Microsoft Access without displaying the startup dialog box (the second dialog box you see when you start Microsoft Access).
/WRKGRP Workgroup-Information-File Starts Microsoft Access using the specified workgroup information file.

Other Applications

Windows Explorer/e,/select,c:\Launch to the specified path, but WITH the pane displayed on the left
Microsoft Word/nLaunch Word with no active document
Microsoft Excel/eLaunch Excel with no active document

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