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Client Side UI Code JavaScript Code Dates Columns Dropdown Columns Validation Word Wrap Server Code Controller Code Business Layer Reusable Code LookupItem class PagingInfo class IQueryableHelper class JQGridController class IAuditable Interface IDeletable JavaScript Code
<div id="uxUserGridDiv"><table id="uxUserGrid"></table></div> <div id="uxUserGridPager"></div>
<input type="button" class="newItemButton" id="btnNewNote" onclick="newNote(@Model.ContactID);" value="New Note" /><br /> <div id="gridNotes"><table id="jqgridNotes"></table></div> <div id="pagerNotes"></div>
/*===============================================================================================*/ $(document).ready(function () { loadUserGrid(); }); /*===============================================================================================*/ function loadUserGrid() { $("#uxUserGrid").GridUnload(); $("#uxUserGrid").jqGrid({ url: '/Security/GetUsersForManager', editurl: '/Security/MaintainUserForManager', colModel: [ {label: 'UserName', name: 'UserName', index: 'UserName', jsonmap: 'UserName', width: 150, align: 'left', editable: false }, { label: 'Active', name: 'Active', index: 'Active', jsonmap: 'Active', width: 50, align: 'center', editable: true, edittype: 'checkbox', formatter: 'checkbox' }, { label: 'Actions', name: 'Actions', index: 'Actions', width: 75, sortable: false, formatter: actionRowNoDelFormatter } ], pager: jQuery('#uxUserGridPager'), sortname: 'UserName', sortorder: 'asc', imgpath: '/Content/Themes/Redmond/Images', rowNum: -1, postData: { propertyId: getPropertyID }, jsonReader: { id: 'PropertyID' } /* Primary Key - needed for delete operation */ onSelectRow: function (id) { onGridRowSelect('uxUserGrid', id); } }).navGrid('#uxUserGridPager', { edit: false, add: false, del: false, search: false, refresh: true }, updateDialog, updateDialog, updateDialog ); }
function newNote(id) { rowData = { ContactID: id, ContactNoteID: -1 }; actionRowAdd(this, 'jqgridNotes', rowData); }
align: 'center', formatter: 'date', formatoptions: { newformat: 'm/d/Y h:i:s A' }, editoptions: { dataInit: function (el) { $(el).datepicker(); } }
editable: true, align: 'left', edittype: 'select', formatter: function (cellValue, options, rowObject) { return rowObject.RelationType; /* display field for the dropdown */ }, editoptions: { value: $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "/Controller/Method", async: false }).responseText}
number: true
integer: true
minValue: 0
#jqGridTableID td { white-space: normal !important; }
public class SecurityController : JQGridController { [HttpGet] public JsonResult GetNotes(int contactID, PagingInfo paging) { var results = ContactManager.GetNotes(contactID, paging); var s = JQGridResult<ContactNoteView>(results,, paging.totalPages); return s; } [HttpPost] public JsonResult MaintainNote(ContactNoteView m, FormCollection form) { int id; var oper = form["oper"]; int.TryParse(form["id"], out id); var username = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name; switch (oper) { case "edit": ContactManager.SaveContactNote(m, username); break; case "del": ContactManager.DeleteContactNote(id, username); break; } return Json(null, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } }
public partial class ContactNote : IAuditable, IDeletable { }
public static class ContactManager { public static List<ContactNoteView> GetNotes(int contactID, PagingInfo paging) { using (var context = new MyEntities()) { var q = from o in context.ContactNotes where o.ContactID == contactID && !o.IsDeleted orderby o.DateCreated select new ContactNoteView { ContactNoteID = o.ContactNoteID, ContactID = o.ContactID, Descrip = o.Descrip /* etc */ }; return IQueryableHelper.CreatePagedResult<ContactNoteView>(q, paging); } } /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/ private static DAL.ContactNote GetContactNote(MyEntities context, int id) { return (from o in context.ContactNotes where o.ContactNoteID == id select o).FirstOrDefault(); } /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/ public static void SaveContactNote(ContactNoteView m, string username) { using (var context = new MyEntities()) { /*--- Get Database Entity ---*/ var d = GetContactNote(context, m.ContactNoteID); if (d != null) { d.Updated(username); } else { d = new DAL.ContactNote(); context.ContactNotes.AddObject(d); d.Created(username); d.ContactID = m.ContactID; } /*--- Update properties of database entity ---*/ d.Descrip = m.Descrip; /* etc */ /*--- Save back to database ---*/ context.SaveChanges(); } } /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/ public static void DeleteContactNote(int contactNoteID, string username) { using (var context = new MyEntities()) { var d = GetContactNote(context, contactNoteID); if (d != null) { d.Deleted(username); context.SaveChanges(); } } } }
public class LookupItem { public virtual string Descrip { get; set; } public int ID { get; set; } public static string ListToJson(List<LookupItem> items) { var result = new List<string>(); foreach (var item in items) result.Add(item.ID.ToString() + ":" + item.Descrip); return string.Join(";", result.ToArray()); } }
public class PagingInfo { public string sidx { get; set; } public string sord { get; set; } public int page { get; set; } public int rows { get; set; } public int totalPages { get; set; } }
public static class IQueryableHelper { public static List<T> CreatePagedResult<T>(IQueryable<T> results, PagingInfo paging) { try { int pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32( - 1; int pageSize = paging.rows; int totalRecords = results == null ? 0 : results.Count(); if (pageSize > 0) { paging.totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / (float)pageSize); } else { paging.totalPages = 1; pageSize = totalRecords; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(paging.sidx)) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paging.sord)) paging.sord = "asc"; string sortString = string.Empty; var sortKeys = paging.sidx.Split(','); foreach (var sortKey in sortKeys) { if (sortString.Length > 0) sortString += ","; sortString += sortKey + " " + paging.sord; } return results.OrderBy(sortString).Skip(pageIndex * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList<T>(); } else { return results.Skip(pageIndex * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList<T>(); } } catch (Exception ex) { paging.totalPages = 1; return results.ToList<T>(); } } }
public abstract class JQGridController : Controller { protected JsonResult JQGridResult<T>(List<T> results, int page, int totalPages) { try { var jsonData = new { total = totalPages, page = page, records = results.Count(), rows = Json(results).Data }; return Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } catch { return Json(null, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } } }
public interface IAuditable { DateTime? DateCreated { get; set; } string CreatedBy { get; set; } DateTime? DateChanged { get; set; } string ChangedBy { get; set; } } public static class IAuditableExtension { public static void Created(this IAuditable e, string user) { e.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; e.CreatedBy = user; } public static void Updated(this IAuditable e, string user) { e.DateChanged = DateTime.Now; e.ChangedBy = user; } }
public interface IDeletable { bool IsDeleted { get; set; } DateTime? DateChanged { get; set; } string ChangedBy { get; set; } } public static class IDeletableExtensions { public static void Deleted(this IDeletable e, string user) { e.IsDeleted = true; e.DateChanged = DateTime.Now; e.ChangedBy = user; } }
var gridSelectedIndexArray = new Array(); var EditButtonClicked; var CancelButtonClicked; var SaveButtonClicked; var DeleteButtonClicked; var AddRowClicked; /*===============================================================================================*/ function editButtonHtml(options) { return "<div id=\"" + options.gid + "_" + options.rowId + "_editR\" onclick=\"actionRowEdit(this, '" + options.gid + "', " + options.rowId + ");\" class=\"ui-pg-div ui-inline-edit\" style=\"float: left; margin-left: 5px; " + "display: block;\" title=\"Edit selected row\"><span class=\"ui-icon ui-icon-pencil\"></span></div>"; } /*===============================================================================================*/ function deleteButtonHtml(options) { return "<div id=\"" + options.gid + "_" + options.rowId + "_delR\" onclick=\"actionRowDelete(this, '" + options.gid + "', " + options.rowId + ");\" class=\"ui-pg-div ui-inline-del\" " + "style=\"float: left; margin-left: 5px; display: block;\" title=\"Delete selected row\">" + "<span class=\"ui-icon ui-icon-trash\"></span></div>"; } /*===============================================================================================*/ function saveButtonHtml(options, refreshAfterSave) { if (refreshAfterSave) saveR = "actionRowSaveExt"; else saveR = "actionRowSave"; saveR = "<div id=\"" + options.gid + "_" + options.rowId + "_saveR\" onclick=\"" + saveR + "(this, '" + options.gid + "', " + options.rowId + "); \" class=\"ui-pg-div ui-inline-save\" " + "style=\"float: left; margin-left: 5px; display: none;\" title=\"Save\">" + "<span class=\"ui-icon ui-icon-disk\"></span></div>"; return saveR; } /*===============================================================================================*/ function cancelButtonHtml(options) { return "<div id=\"" + options.gid + "_" + options.rowId + "_cancelR\" onclick=\"actionRowCancel(this, '" + options.gid + "', " + options.rowId + ");\" class=\"ui-pg-div ui-inline-cancel\" " + "style=\"float: left; margin-left: 5px; display: none;\" title=\"Cancel\"><span " + "class=\"ui-icon ui-icon-cancel\"></span></div>"; } /*===============================================================================================*/ function actionRowFormatterBase(cellvalue, options, rowObject, showDel, refreshAfterSave, extraButtons) { editR = editButtonHtml(options); delR = deleteButtonHtml(options); saveR = saveButtonHtml(options, refreshAfterSave); cancelR = cancelButtonHtml(options); var s = "<div class=\"actionWrapper\">" + editR; if (showDel) s = s + delR; s = s + saveR + cancelR; if (extraButtons != null && extraButtons != undefined) s = s + extraButtons; s = s + "</div>"; return s; } /*===============================================================================================*/ function actionRowFormatterNoEdit(cellvalue, options, rowObject, showDel, refreshAfterSave, extraButtons) { editR = "<div id=\"" + options.gid + "_" + options.rowId + "_editR\" onclick=\"actionRowEdit(this, '" + options.gid + "', " + options.rowId + ");\" class=\"ui-pg-div ui-inline-edit\" style=\"float: left; margin-left: 5px; " + "display: none;\" title=\"Edit selected row\"><span class=\"ui-icon ui-icon-pencil\"></span></div>"; delR = deleteButtonHtml(options); saveR = saveButtonHtml(options, refreshAfterSave); cancelR = cancelButtonHtml(options); var s = "<div class=\"actionWrapper\">" + editR; if (showDel) s = s + delR; s = s + saveR + cancelR; if (extraButtons != null && extraButtons != undefined) s = s + extraButtons; s = s + "</div>"; return s; } /*===============================================================================================*/ //DOES NOT include delete button; refreshes the grid after saving actionRowDeleteOnlyFormatter = function (cellvalue, options, rowObject) { return deleteButtonHtml(options); } /*===============================================================================================*/ //Includes delete button; DOES NOT refresh the grid after saving actionRowFormatter = function (cellvalue, options, rowObject) { return actionRowFormatterBase(cellvalue, options, rowObject, true, false); } /*===============================================================================================*/ //DOES NOT include delete button; refreshes the grid after saving actionRowNoDelFormatter = function (cellvalue, options, rowObject) { return actionRowFormatterBase(cellvalue, options, rowObject, false, true); } /*===============================================================================================*/ //DOES NOT include delete or edit button; refreshes the grid after saving - used on the Claims: Notes grid actionRowNoDelNoEditFormatter = function (cellvalue, options, rowObject) { return actionRowFormatterNoEdit(cellvalue, options, rowObject, false, true); } /*===============================================================================================*/ //Includes delete button; refreshes the grid after saving actionRowFormatterUsingSaveExt = function (cellvalue, options, rowObject) { return actionRowFormatterBase(cellvalue, options, rowObject, true, true); } /*===============================================================================================*/ function actionRowAdd(el, gridId, rowData) { $('#' + gridId).addRowData(-1, rowData, "last"); var newEl = document.getElementById(gridId + '_-1_editR'); actionRowEdit(newEl, gridId, -1); } /*===============================================================================================*/ function actionRowCancel(el, gridId, index) { CancelButtonClicked = true; if (index != -1) { $('#' + gridId).jqGrid('restoreRow', index); } else $('#' + gridId).delRowData(index); gridSelectedIndexArray[gridId] = null; /*- Show/hide action buttons ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ $(el).parent().find('.ui-inline-edit').show(); $(el).parent().find('.ui-inline-del').show(); $(el).parent().find('.addRates').show(); $(el).parent().find('.ui-inline-save').hide(); $(el).parent().find('.ui-inline-cancel').hide(); } /*===============================================================================================*/ function actionRowDelete(el, gridId, index) { DeleteButtonClicked = true; $('#' + gridId).delGridRow(index); } /*===============================================================================================*/ function actionRowEdit(el, gridId, newIndex) { EditButtonClicked = true; var oldIndex = gridSelectedIndexArray[gridId]; if (oldIndex != null && oldIndex != '' && oldIndex != newIndex) { var actionCancelElement = document.getElementById(gridId + '_' + oldIndex + '_cancelR'); actionRowCancel(actionCancelElement, gridId, oldIndex); } gridSelectedIndexArray[gridId] = newIndex; // Hide EDIT and DELETE icons $(el).parent().find('.ui-inline-edit').hide(); $(el).parent().find('.ui-inline-del').hide(); $(el).parent().find('.addRates').hide(); // Show SAVE and CANCEL icons $(el).parent().find('.ui-inline-save').show(); $(el).parent().find('.ui-inline-cancel').show(); $('#' + gridId).editRow(newIndex); } /*===============================================================================================*/ function actionRowSave(el, gridId, index) { SaveButtonClicked = true; $('#' + gridId).saveRow(index); actionRowCancel(el, gridId, index); if (index == -1) { $('#' + gridId).trigger('reloadGrid'); } } /*===============================================================================================*/ function actionRowSaveExt(el, gridId, index) { SaveButtonClicked = true; $('#' + gridId).saveRow(index, function (data) { $('#' + gridId).trigger('reloadGrid'); }); if (gridid = "gridRoomCharges") { $("#gridDeposits").trigger('reloadGrid'); } actionRowCancel(el, gridId, index); } /*===============================================================================================*/ function onGridRowSelect(gridId, rowId) { if (!EditButtonClicked && !CancelButtonClicked && !SaveButtonClicked && !DeleteButtonClicked) { var selector = ''; // "Click" the cancel icon for the last row selected(?) if (gridSelectedIndexArray[gridId] !== undefined && gridSelectedIndexArray[gridId] !== null) { selector = '#' + gridId + '_' + gridSelectedIndexArray[gridId] + '_editR'; actionRowSaveExt(selector, gridId, gridSelectedIndexArray[gridId]); } // "Click" the edit icon for the row selector = '#' + gridId + '_' + rowId + '_editR'; actionRowEdit(selector, gridId, rowId); } EditButtonClicked = false; CancelButtonClicked = false; SaveButtonClicked = false; DeleteButtonClicked = false; }
ScrewTurn Wiki version Some of the icons created by FamFamFam. Except where noted, all contents Copyright © 1999-2024, Patrick Jasinski.