/* Adapted from http://bitmugger.blogspot.com/2011/02/how-to-convert-cidr-ip-address-to-range.html */ create function [dbo].[ConvertIPToLong](@IP varchar(15)) returns bigint as begin declare @Long bigint set @Long = CONVERT(bigint, PARSENAME(@IP, 4)) * 256 * 256 * 256 + CONVERT(bigint, PARSENAME(@IP, 3)) * 256 * 256 + CONVERT(bigint, PARSENAME(@IP, 2)) * 256 + CONVERT(bigint, PARSENAME(@IP, 1)) return (@Long) end
create function dbo.ConvertLongToIp(@IpLong bigint) returns varchar(15) as begin /*--- Begin Testing ---*/ /* declare @IpLong bigint = 4294967295 */ /*--- End Testing ---*/ declare @IpHex varchar(8) ,@IpDotted varchar(15) select @IpHex = substring(convert(varchar(30), master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(@IpLong)), 11, 8) select @IpDotted = convert(varchar(3), convert(int, (convert(varbinary, substring(@IpHex, 1, 2), 2)))) + '.' + convert(varchar(3), convert(int, (convert(varbinary, substring(@IpHex, 3, 2), 2)))) + '.' + convert(varchar(3), convert(int, (convert(varbinary, substring(@IpHex, 5, 2), 2)))) + '.' + convert(varchar(3), convert(int, (convert(varbinary, substring(@IpHex, 7, 2), 2)))) return @IpDotted end
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