protected void Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpRuntimeSection runTime = (HttpRuntimeSection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.web/httpRuntime"); // Approx 100 Kb(for page content) size has been deducted because the maxRequestLength proprty is the page size, // not only the file upload size int maxRequestLength = (runTime.MaxRequestLength - 100) * 1024; //This code is used to check the request length of the page and if the request length is greater than //MaxRequestLength then retrun to the same page with extra query string value action=exception HttpContext context = ((HttpApplication)sender).Context; if (context.Request.ContentLength > maxRequestLength) { IServiceProvider provider = (IServiceProvider)context; HttpWorkerRequest workerRequest = (HttpWorkerRequest)provider.GetService(typeof(Http WorkerRequest)); // Check if body contains data if (workerRequest.HasEntityBody()) { // get the total body length int requestLength = workerRequest.GetTotalEntityBodyLength(); // Get the initial bytes loaded int initialBytes = 0; if (workerRequest.GetPreloadedEntityBody() != null) initialBytes = workerRequest.GetPreloadedEntityBody().Length; if (!workerRequest.IsEntireEntityBodyIsPreloaded()) { byte[] buffer = new byte[512000]; // Set the received bytes to initial bytes before start reading int receivedBytes = initialBytes; while (requestLength - receivedBytes >= initialBytes) { // Read another set of bytes initialBytes = workerRequest.ReadEntityBody(buffer, buffer.Length); // Update the received bytes receivedBytes += initialBytes; } initialBytes = workerRequest.ReadEntityBody(buffer, requestLength - receivedBytes); } } // Redirect the user to the same page with querystring action=exception. context.Response.Redirect(this.Request.Url.LocalPath + "?action=exception"); } }