declare @input varchar(1000) = ' { // be sure to add this "SSRS": { "UserName": "MySsrsUsername", "Password": "MySsrsPassword", "RootURL": "http:/" }, "PowerBI": { "ApplicationId": "dd9da583-8db3-430b-bfd9-3df1c355ef6d", "ApplicationSecret": "MyAppSecret", "WorkspaceId": "b4f1d20c-8914-453b-a666-ee5804d9463b", "UserName": "MyPowerBiUserName", "Password": "MyPowerBiPassword" } } // be sure to add this ' ;with cte as ( select Key1 = keys.[key] ,Key2 = vals.[key] from openjson(@input) keys cross apply ( select b.[key] from openjson(keys.[value]) b ) vals ) ,MyKeys as ( select JsonKey = '$.' + Key1 + '.' + Key2 ,AzureKey = Key1 + ':' + Key2 from cte ) ,NameValuePairs as ( select AzureKey ,[Value] = JSON_VALUE(@input, JsonKey) from MyKeys ) select AzureKey ,Sort2 = 10 ,Json = '{' from NameValuePairs union select AzureKey ,Sort2 = 20 ,Json = ' "name": "' + AzureKey + '",' from NameValuePairs union select AzureKey ,Sort2 = 30 ,Json = ' "value": "' + [Value] + '",' from NameValuePairs union select AzureKey ,Sort2 = 40 ,Json = ' "slotSetting": false' from NameValuePairs union select AzureKey ,Sort2 = 50 ,Json = '},' from NameValuePairs order by AzureKey, Sort2