Sunday, September 13, 2009

New Technical Articles since Tue, Jul 14, 2009, 8:35 AM

The following 47 articles have been created or updated in the Jasinski Technical Wiki since Tue, Jul 14, 2009, 8:35 AM

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Highlights of New Technical Articles

Here's the highlights of the articles have been created or updated in the Jasinski Technical Wiki since Sat, Jun 20, 2009, 11:43 AM


  • Building A Truly Dynamic Menu - ASP.NET — an adaptation/improvement over the one I found on the ASP Alliance website.
  • GridViewExtender Class - ASP.NET — finished this article and made some corrections

    Class Library

  • GridViewExtender Class - ASP.NET
  • SqlDatabase Base Class - SQL Server and .NET Framework — made additions and corrections to this class

    HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

  • JavaScript Code Snippets — consolidated a few JavaScript articles into this one

    Microsoft .Net Framework

  • Displaying an XSL Transformation in a Web Browser Control - .Net Framework — added a section on transforming XML in memory
  • Regular Expression Samples - .Net Framework — added a regex for valid URLs

    Microsoft Developer Tools (Visual Studio and Source Safe)

  • Macro to Clear the Immediate Window - Visual Studio 2005 — new article

    Microsoft SQL Server

  • Foreign-Key Pages - SQL Server — a sort of "index" to all SQL Server articles dealing with foreign keys

  • Friday, July 10, 2009

    YouTube Videos

    Found some videos on YouTube that I liked....

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    Saturday, June 20, 2009

    New Technical Articles

    Been too busy changing jobs to blog, but there have been 86 articles that have been created or updated in the Jasinski Technical Wiki since Tue, Feb 10, 2009, 10:47 AM (my last post). Here's the highlights.


    I've been doing a bit of ASP.NET lately...

    • Using the GridView Web Control - ASP.NET —  A tutorial on using the GridView web control, akin to the 4 Guys from Rolla article on the DataGrid control.

    • GridViewExtender Class - ASP.NET — Tired of coding the same things over and over, I developed an extender class to take care of the more mundane and tedious aspects of working with a GridView control

    • Validation Controls - ASP.NET — Whenever I work with validation controls in ASP.NET, there's always a few details I can't seem to remember. These are notes on those things.

    JavaScript and jQuery

    Along with the ASP.NET development, I've been doing some client-side coding as well. Getting aggravated with Microsoft's AJAX controls, I recently turned to jQuery — very cool stuff!

    HTML and CSS

    Visual Studio

    SQL Server

    • Generating A Counter Table On-The-Fly - SQL Server — A Counter Table is one that has a single column with a sequence of numbers in it: 0, 1, 2, ... I've used a counter table before when having to generate return address labels, and the number of labels on the printed label sheet is determined at run-time.

    • Generating XML from Recursive, Hierarchical Data — I've got a data hierarchy held in a database table that refers to itself with a foreign key (think Employee table with a ManagerID field). Given the root element, I wanted to generate the entire hierarchy as an XML document, and do it on-the-fly. This article shows how I did it.

    • List Tables in Dependency (Foreign Key) Order - SQL Server — When deleting data from or inserting data into a set of tables, you have to do it in the right order to avoid violating foreign key restraints. When deleting data, for example, you have to delete the detail records before before the header records; when inserting data, you have to do it in the reverse order. This article presents SQL to list the tables in the order you should delete the data.

    • PIVOT and UNPIVOT Syntax - SQL Server — I rarely use the PIVOT and UNPIVOT clauses, and the MSDN article is a little hard to understand, so this is my quick reference notes on the two clauses.

    • Transforming a Name from First-Last to Last-First — I had a table of names where some records showed first name first, and others showed last name first. For example, some would show "John Smith", but others might have "Brown, Jane". This presented problems when trying to reconcile the records against an ActiveDirectory database, so I wrote some T-SQL to normalize the data. It works well in most of the cases, but it won't handle a generational suffix like 'Jr.' or 'Sr.'. (I handled those records manually.)

    • Using the XML Data Type - SQL Server — Updated my notes on using the XML data type in SQL Server

    MS Office Integration

    Microsoft .NET

    • Sending Email Via IIS - .Net Framework — A simple how-to article.

    • SqlDatabase Base Class - SQL Server and .NET Framework — A class to facilitate data access to a SQL Server database, encapsulating connecting to the database, executing stored procedures and SQL statements, and filling both typed and untyped DataTable objects. Good for pre-LINQ-to-SQL applications.

    • XML Encoding — A snippet showning how to ensure the data you store in an XML document doesnt' break XML rules. For example, it will replace "<" and ">" with the proper escape sequences "&lt;" and "&gt;" — plus ALL the XML escape sequences.


    • Broke out the Microsoft SQL Server category into SSIS, SSRS, and SS System Tables

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    Tuesday, February 10, 2009

    New Technical Articles (mostly VB6 and SQL Server)

    The following 21 articles have been created or updated in the Jasinski Technical Wiki since Mon, Feb 02, 2009, 8:31 AM

    Monday, February 2, 2009

    A Variety of New Articles

    The following 15 articles have been created or updated in the Jasinski Technical Wiki since my last post on Mon, Jan 26, 2009, 8:52 AM

    Monday, January 26, 2009

    New Articles (Mostly C++)

    The following 11 articles have been created or updated
    in the Technical Wiki since Wed, Jan 21, 2009, 8:43 AM