sysjobsteps System Table - SQL Server 2000

Contains the information for each step in a job to be executed by SQL Server Agent. This table is stored in the msdb database.

Column nameData typeDescription
job_iduniqueidentifierID of the job.
step_idintID of the step in the job.
step_namesysnameName of the job step.
subsystemnvarchar(40)Name of the subsystem used by SQL Server Agent to execute the job step.
commandnvarchar(3200)Command to be executed by subsystem.
cmdexec_success_codeintError-level value returned by CmdExec subsystem steps to indicate success.
on_success_actiontinyintAction to be performed when a step is executed successfully.
on_success_step_idintID of the next step to execute when a step is executed successfully.
on_fail_actiontinyintAction to be performed when a step is not executed successfully.
on_fail_step_idintID of the next step to execute when a step is not executed successfully.
database_namesysnameName of the database in which command is executed if subsystem is TSQL.
database_user_namesysnameName of the database user whose account will be used when executing the step.
retry_attemptsintNumber of retry attempts made if the step fails.
retry_intervalintAmount of time to wait between retry attempts.
output_file_namenvarchar(200)Name of the file in which the step's output is saved when subsystem is TSQL or CmdExec.
last_run_outcomeintOutcome of the previous execution of the job step.
last_run_durationintAmount of time incurred in the previous execution of the job.
last_run_retriesintNumber of retry attempts in the last execution of the job step.
last_run_dateintDate of the job step's previous execution.
last_run_timeintTime of the job step's previous execution.