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<div id="uxUserGridDiv"><table id="uxUserGrid"></table></div> <div id="uxUserGridPager"></div>
<input type="button" class="newItemButton" id="btnNewNote" onclick="newNote(@Model.ContactID);" value="New Note" /><br /> <div id="gridNotes"><table id="jqgridNotes"></table></div> <div id="pagerNotes"></div>
/*===============================================================================================*/ $(document).ready(function () { loadUserGrid(); }); /*===============================================================================================*/ function loadUserGrid() { $("#uxUserGrid").GridUnload(); $("#uxUserGrid").jqGrid({ url: '/Security/GetUsersForManager', editurl: '/Security/MaintainUserForManager', colModel: [ {label: 'UserName', name: 'UserName', index: 'UserName', jsonmap: 'UserName', width: 150, align: 'left', editable: false }, { label: 'Active', name: 'Active', index: 'Active', jsonmap: 'Active', width: 50, align: 'center', editable: true, edittype: 'checkbox', formatter: 'checkbox' }, { label: 'Actions', name: 'Actions', index: 'Actions', width: 75, sortable: false, formatter: actionRowNoDelFormatter } ], pager: jQuery('#uxUserGridPager'), sortname: 'UserName', sortorder: 'asc', imgpath: '/Content/Themes/Redmond/Images', rowNum: -1, postData: { propertyId: getPropertyID }, jsonReader: { id: 'PropertyID' } /* Primary Key - needed for delete operation */ onSelectRow: function (id) { onGridRowSelect('uxUserGrid', id); } }).navGrid('#uxUserGridPager', { edit: false, add: false, del: false, search: false, refresh: true }, updateDialog, updateDialog, updateDialog ); }
function newNote(id) { rowData = { ContactID: id, ContactNoteID: -1 }; actionRowAdd(this, 'jqgridNotes', rowData); }
align: 'center', formatter: 'date', formatoptions: { newformat: 'm/d/Y h:i:s A' }, editoptions: { dataInit: function (el) { $(el).datepicker(); } }
editable: true, align: 'left', edittype: 'select', formatter: function (cellValue, options, rowObject) { return rowObject.RelationType; /* display field for the dropdown */ }, editoptions: { value: $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "/Controller/Method", async: false }).responseText}
public class SecurityController : JQGridController { [HttpGet] public JsonResult GetNotes(int contactID, PagingInfo paging) { var results = ContactManager.GetNotes(contactID, paging); var s = JQGridResult<ContactNoteView>(results,, paging.totalPages); return s; } [HttpPost] public JsonResult MaintainNote(ContactNoteView m, FormCollection form) { int id; var oper = form["oper"]; int.TryParse(form["id"], out id); var username = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name; switch (oper) { case "edit": ContactManager.SaveContactNote(m, username); break; case "del": ContactManager.DeleteContactNote(id, username); break; } return Json(null, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } }
public partial class ContactNote : IAuditable, IDeletable { }
public static class ContactManager { public static List<ContactNoteView> GetNotes(int contactID, PagingInfo paging) { using (var context = new MyEntities()) { var q = from o in context.ContactNotes where o.ContactID == contactID && !o.IsDeleted orderby o.DateCreated select new ContactNoteView { ContactNoteID = o.ContactNoteID, ContactID = o.ContactID, Descrip = o.Descrip /* etc */ }; return IQueryableHelper.CreatePagedResult<ContactNoteView>(q, paging); } } /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/ private static DAL.ContactNote GetContactNote(MyEntities context, int id) { return (from o in context.ContactNotes where o.ContactNoteID == id select o).FirstOrDefault(); } /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/ public static void SaveContactNote(ContactNoteView m, string username) { using (var context = new MyEntities()) { /*--- Get Database Entity ---*/ var d = GetContactNote(context, m.ContactNoteID); if (d != null) { d.Updated(username); } else { d = new DAL.ContactNote(); context.ContactNotes.AddObject(d); d.Created(username); d.ContactID = m.ContactID; } /*--- Update properties of database entity ---*/ d.Descrip = m.Descrip; /* etc */ /*--- Save back to database ---*/ context.SaveChanges(); } } /*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/ public static void DeleteContactNote(int contactNoteID, string username) { using (var context = new MyEntities()) { var d = GetContactNote(context, contactNoteID); if (d != null) { d.Deleted(username); context.SaveChanges(); } } } }
public class PagingInfo { public string sidx { get; set; } public string sord { get; set; } public int page { get; set; } public int rows { get; set; } public int totalPages { get; set; } }
public static class IQueryableHelper { public static List<T> CreatePagedResult<T>(IQueryable<T> results, PagingInfo paging) { try { int pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32( - 1; int pageSize = paging.rows; int totalRecords = results == null ? 0 : results.Count(); if (pageSize > 0) { paging.totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / (float)pageSize); } else { paging.totalPages = 1; pageSize = totalRecords; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(paging.sidx)) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paging.sord)) paging.sord = "asc"; string sortString = string.Empty; var sortKeys = paging.sidx.Split(','); foreach (var sortKey in sortKeys) { if (sortString.Length > 0) sortString += ","; sortString += sortKey + " " + paging.sord; } return results.OrderBy(sortString).Skip(pageIndex * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList<T>(); } else { return results.Skip(pageIndex * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList<T>(); } } catch (Exception ex) { paging.totalPages = 1; return results.ToList<T>(); } } }
public abstract class JQGridController : Controller { protected JsonResult JQGridResult<T>(List<T> results, int page, int totalPages) { try { var jsonData = new { total = totalPages, page = page, records = results.Count(), rows = Json(results).Data }; return Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } catch { return Json(null, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } } }
public interface IAuditable { DateTime? DateCreated { get; set; } string CreatedBy { get; set; } DateTime? DateChanged { get; set; } string ChangedBy { get; set; } } public static class IAuditableExtension { public static void Created(this IAuditable e, string user) { e.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; e.CreatedBy = user; } public static void Updated(this IAuditable e, string user) { e.DateChanged = DateTime.Now; e.ChangedBy = user; } }
public interface IDeletable { bool IsDeleted { get; set; } DateTime? DateChanged { get; set; } string ChangedBy { get; set; } } public static class IDeletableExtensions { public static void Deleted(this IDeletable e, string user) { e.IsDeleted = true; e.DateChanged = DateTime.Now; e.ChangedBy = user; } }
var gridSelectedIndexArray = new Array(); var EditButtonClicked; var CancelButtonClicked; var SaveButtonClicked; var DeleteButtonClicked; var AddRowClicked; /*===============================================================================================*/ function editButtonHtml(options) { return "<div id=\"" + options.gid + "_" + options.rowId + "_editR\" onclick=\"actionRowEdit(this, '" + options.gid + "', " + options.rowId + ");\" class=\"ui-pg-div ui-inline-edit\" style=\"float: left; margin-left: 5px; " + "display: block;\" title=\"Edit selected row\"><span class=\"ui-icon ui-icon-pencil\"></span></div>"; } /*===============================================================================================*/ function deleteButtonHtml(options) { return "<div id=\"" + options.gid + "_" + options.rowId + "_delR\" onclick=\"actionRowDelete(this, '" + options.gid + "', " + options.rowId + ");\" class=\"ui-pg-div ui-inline-del\" " + "style=\"float: left; margin-left: 5px; display: block;\" title=\"Delete selected row\">" + "<span class=\"ui-icon ui-icon-trash\"></span></div>"; } /*===============================================================================================*/ function saveButtonHtml(options, refreshAfterSave) { if (refreshAfterSave) saveR = "actionRowSaveExt"; else saveR = "actionRowSave"; saveR = "<div id=\"" + options.gid + "_" + options.rowId + "_saveR\" onclick=\"" + saveR + "(this, '" + options.gid + "', " + options.rowId + "); \" class=\"ui-pg-div ui-inline-save\" " + "style=\"float: left; margin-left: 5px; display: none;\" title=\"Save\">" + "<span class=\"ui-icon ui-icon-disk\"></span></div>"; return saveR; } /*===============================================================================================*/ function cancelButtonHtml(options) { return "<div id=\"" + options.gid + "_" + options.rowId + "_cancelR\" onclick=\"actionRowCancel(this, '" + options.gid + "', " + options.rowId + ");\" class=\"ui-pg-div ui-inline-cancel\" " + "style=\"float: left; margin-left: 5px; display: none;\" title=\"Cancel\"><span " + "class=\"ui-icon ui-icon-cancel\"></span></div>"; } /*===============================================================================================*/ function actionRowFormatterBase(cellvalue, options, rowObject, showDel, refreshAfterSave, extraButtons) { editR = editButtonHtml(options); delR = deleteButtonHtml(options); saveR = saveButtonHtml(options, refreshAfterSave); cancelR = cancelButtonHtml(options); var s = "<div class=\"actionWrapper\">" + editR; if (showDel) s = s + delR; s = s + saveR + cancelR; if (extraButtons != null && extraButtons != undefined) s = s + extraButtons; s = s + "</div>"; return s; } /*===============================================================================================*/ function actionRowFormatterNoEdit(cellvalue, options, rowObject, showDel, refreshAfterSave, extraButtons) { editR = "<div id=\"" + options.gid + "_" + options.rowId + "_editR\" onclick=\"actionRowEdit(this, '" + options.gid + "', " + options.rowId + ");\" class=\"ui-pg-div ui-inline-edit\" style=\"float: left; margin-left: 5px; " + "display: none;\" title=\"Edit selected row\"><span class=\"ui-icon ui-icon-pencil\"></span></div>"; delR = deleteButtonHtml(options); saveR = saveButtonHtml(options, refreshAfterSave); cancelR = cancelButtonHtml(options); var s = "<div class=\"actionWrapper\">" + editR; if (showDel) s = s + delR; s = s + saveR + cancelR; if (extraButtons != null && extraButtons != undefined) s = s + extraButtons; s = s + "</div>"; return s; } /*===============================================================================================*/ //DOES NOT include delete button; refreshes the grid after saving actionRowDeleteOnlyFormatter = function (cellvalue, options, rowObject) { return deleteButtonHtml(options); } /*===============================================================================================*/ //Includes delete button; DOES NOT refresh the grid after saving actionRowFormatter = function (cellvalue, options, rowObject) { return actionRowFormatterBase(cellvalue, options, rowObject, true, false); } /*===============================================================================================*/ //DOES NOT include delete button; refreshes the grid after saving actionRowNoDelFormatter = function (cellvalue, options, rowObject) { return actionRowFormatterBase(cellvalue, options, rowObject, false, true); } /*===============================================================================================*/ //DOES NOT include delete or edit button; refreshes the grid after saving - used on the Claims: Notes grid actionRowNoDelNoEditFormatter = function (cellvalue, options, rowObject) { return actionRowFormatterNoEdit(cellvalue, options, rowObject, false, true); } /*===============================================================================================*/ //Includes delete button; refreshes the grid after saving actionRowFormatterUsingSaveExt = function (cellvalue, options, rowObject) { return actionRowFormatterBase(cellvalue, options, rowObject, true, true); } /*===============================================================================================*/ function actionRowAdd(el, gridId, rowData) { $('#' + gridId).addRowData(-1, rowData, "last"); var newEl = document.getElementById(gridId + '_-1_editR'); actionRowEdit(newEl, gridId, -1); } /*===============================================================================================*/ function actionRowCancel(el, gridId, index) { CancelButtonClicked = true; if (index != -1) { $('#' + gridId).jqGrid('restoreRow', index); } else $('#' + gridId).delRowData(index); gridSelectedIndexArray[gridId] = null; /*- Show/hide action buttons ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ $(el).parent().find('.ui-inline-edit').show(); $(el).parent().find('.ui-inline-del').show(); $(el).parent().find('.addRates').show(); $(el).parent().find('.ui-inline-save').hide(); $(el).parent().find('.ui-inline-cancel').hide(); } /*===============================================================================================*/ function actionRowDelete(el, gridId, index) { DeleteButtonClicked = true; $('#' + gridId).delGridRow(index); } /*===============================================================================================*/ function actionRowEdit(el, gridId, newIndex) { EditButtonClicked = true; var oldIndex = gridSelectedIndexArray[gridId]; if (oldIndex != null && oldIndex != '' && oldIndex != newIndex) { var actionCancelElement = document.getElementById(gridId + '_' + oldIndex + '_cancelR'); actionRowCancel(actionCancelElement, gridId, oldIndex); } gridSelectedIndexArray[gridId] = newIndex; // Hide EDIT and DELETE icons $(el).parent().find('.ui-inline-edit').hide(); $(el).parent().find('.ui-inline-del').hide(); $(el).parent().find('.addRates').hide(); // Show SAVE and CANCEL icons $(el).parent().find('.ui-inline-save').show(); $(el).parent().find('.ui-inline-cancel').show(); $('#' + gridId).editRow(newIndex); } /*===============================================================================================*/ function actionRowSave(el, gridId, index) { SaveButtonClicked = true; $('#' + gridId).saveRow(index); actionRowCancel(el, gridId, index); if (index == -1) { $('#' + gridId).trigger('reloadGrid'); } } /*===============================================================================================*/ function actionRowSaveExt(el, gridId, index) { SaveButtonClicked = true; $('#' + gridId).saveRow(index, function (data) { $('#' + gridId).trigger('reloadGrid'); }); if (gridid = "gridRoomCharges") { $("#gridDeposits").trigger('reloadGrid'); } actionRowCancel(el, gridId, index); } /*===============================================================================================*/ function onGridRowSelect(gridId, rowId) { if (!EditButtonClicked && !CancelButtonClicked && !SaveButtonClicked && !DeleteButtonClicked) { var selector = ''; // "Click" the cancel icon for the last row selected(?) if (gridSelectedIndexArray[gridId] !== undefined && gridSelectedIndexArray[gridId] !== null) { selector = '#' + gridId + '_' + gridSelectedIndexArray[gridId] + '_editR'; actionRowSaveExt(selector, gridId, gridSelectedIndexArray[gridId]); } // "Click" the edit icon for the row selector = '#' + gridId + '_' + rowId + '_editR'; actionRowEdit(selector, gridId, rowId); } EditButtonClicked = false; CancelButtonClicked = false; SaveButtonClicked = false; DeleteButtonClicked = false; }
ScrewTurn Wiki version Some of the icons created by FamFamFam. Except where noted, all contents Copyright © 1999-2024, Patrick Jasinski.