public static class SitecoreExtensions { public static string TweakItemName(this string name, string replaceWith = "-") { name = name.Replace("&", "And"); name = name.Replace("+", "Plus"); var invalidChars = Settings.InvalidItemNameChars; foreach (var c in invalidChars) name = name.Replace(c.ToString(), replaceWith); name = name.Trim(); return name; } /// <param name="itemId">The GUID for the item, as a string, with or without braces.</param> public static Sitecore.Data.Items.Item GetItemFromID(this Sitecore.Data.Database db, string itemId) { if (!itemId.StartsWith("{")) itemId = "{" + itemId; if (!itemId.EndsWith("}")) itemId += "}"; return db.GetItem(new Sitecore.Data.ID(itemId)); } /// <param name="itemId">The GUID for the template, as a string, with or without braces.</param> public static Sitecore.Data.Items.TemplateItem GetTemplateFromID(this Sitecore.Data.Database db, string itemId) { if (!itemId.StartsWith("{")) itemId = "{" + itemId; if (!itemId.EndsWith("}")) itemId += "}"; return db.Templates[new Sitecore.Data.ID(itemId)]; } public static string GetField(this Item item, string fieldName) { var fld = item.Fields[fieldName]; if (fld == null) return ""; return fld.Value; } /// <param name="fieldName">The name of the INT field</param> /// <param name="addend">The amount to add to the current value of the INT field</param> public static void MathAdd(this Item item, string fieldName, int addend) { try { var s = item.GetField(fieldName); int val; if (!int.TryParse(s, out val)) val = 0; val += addend; item[fieldName] = val.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } } public static MediaItem GetMediaItem(this Item item, string fieldName) { FileField fld = item.Fields[fieldName]; if (fld == null) return null; return (MediaItem)fld.MediaItem; } public static string DownloadUrl(this MediaItem m) { if (m == null) return ""; //return string.Format("/~/media{0}.{1}", m.MediaPath, m.Extension); //return string.Format(Helper.AppRootUrl + "Media{0}.{1}", m.MediaPath, m.Extension); var s = StringUtil.EnsurePrefix('/', MediaManager.GetMediaUrl(m)); return s; } public static void EnsureAllLanguages(this Item item) { foreach (var language in item.Languages) { var langItem = item.Database.GetItem(item.ID, language); if (langItem.Versions.Count < 1) langItem = langItem.Versions.AddVersion(); } } public static string CurrentPageUrl(bool includeQueryString = false) { var result = ""; var r = HttpContext.Current.Request; result += r.Url.Scheme; // "http" or "https" result += Uri.SchemeDelimiter; // "://" result += Sitecore.Context.Site.HostName; result += Sitecore.Context.RawUrl; if (!includeQueryString & result.Contains("?")) { var pos = result.LastIndexOf("?"); result = result.Substring(0, pos); } return result; } public static string ToSitecoreID(this Guid guid) { return "{" + guid.ToString().ToUpperInvariant() + "}"; } }
ScrewTurn Wiki version Some of the icons created by FamFamFam. Except where noted, all contents Copyright © 1999-2024, Patrick Jasinski.